Locations & Programs

MCCA Brooke Grove


Monday - Friday
7:00 am - 9:00 am and 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Center Info
Natasha Spencer
2702 Spartan Road, Olney, MD 20832

MSDE OCC License #31450

School Age

5 to 12 years
We’ve designed our Brooke Grove school age program as a fun and safe environment for young school-age kids. This experience is available both before beginning a new school day, as well as after. As a result, it delivers parents and guardians of these shining stars the serenity of mind, knowing their kids continue to grow and thrive – even outside of the regular school day. And, the kids enjoy it too, because they can meet with peers and socialize, indulge in safe extracurricular activities of their choice, and enjoy the company of other fellow students whom they share like-minded interests with.
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For kids of school age in Brooke Grove, this program helps them grow and shine, by developing skills and talents beyond everything they learn in the classroom. The peer contacts, and the safe out-of-class environment also gives them the confidence to explore real-world ideas and concepts through healthy student-to-student interactions.
At the specially crafted Brooke Grove school age program, our experienced staff encourages school-age kids, from Brooke Grove, Olney and surrounding neighborhoods, to participate in wide-ranging hobbies and interests. Whether it’s exchanging thoughts and ideas about a school project, helping each other with homework, sharing their talents and expertise on certain subjects with their friends, or participating in sports and exercise – it’s all part of our school age program. They also have access to nutritious snacks, and can always count on our ever-watchful staff to look out for their wellbeing and welfare.
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kids learning
If your child is of school age in Brooke Grove, Olney or a nearby community, our school age program delivers individual attention to his/her needs. This approach guarantees young minds grow and thrive to their fullest potential!

Online interest form

Working Parents Assistance

Subsidy funds may be available to assist with childcare costs for qualifying families in Montgomery County

Child Care Scholarship Program

The State of Maryland offers child care scholarships
to qualifying families