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Understanding Your Child’s Learning Style: Tips for Parents

Children learn in various ways, whether through listening, seeing, or doing. When kids learn something new, they’ll pick it up most easily when engaging in their learning style. Knowing your child’s learning style can help you pinpoint why they may be struggling in certain areas. Maybe your child has trouble following oral directions, but they would be perfectly fine if there were some sort of visual reminder. Or maybe your child needs to learn hands-on rather than simply reading from a textbook.

You can get to know your child’s individual learning style by observing how they learn and what they do in their free time at home and at their Silver Spring child care center.

Types of Learning Styles

Your child’s learning style is how he or she best takes in and remembers new knowledge. Our senses and how we interact with things to understand and remember them affect our learning styles. There are four main ways of learning: hearing, touching, seeing, or doing.


Hearing and listening are the best ways for auditory learners to learn. They find it easy to listen to what is being said and might enjoy reading stories to them, either by an adult or a recording. They might like to say the words out loud when they read to themselves.

Kids who learn best by hearing can pick up on small changes in someone else’s voice tone and usually have a good sense of rhythm or pitch. People who learn best by hearing may be interested in music from a very young age.


People who learn best by doing and moving around do so kinesthetically. Know-how-based learners need to do a dance step instead of being shown how to do it. This person learns by seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and hearing.

This type of learner maybe your child if they are good at big-body activities like sports or dance and can easily repeat body moves. People who learn best through touch do well in sports and other physical tasks.

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For tactile learners, the best way to learn is to touch and play with things. To understand, they need to touch. They like to move things around or draw them out to fully understand. If these kids have nothing to hold on to, they might not be able to listen well in school.

People who learn best by touching may be talented artists who love working with clay or putting together complicated structures out of blocks. Plus, they might like doing science projects or arts and crafts like weaving or cutting out paper snowflakes.


If your child is a visual learner, they will learn best by reading or seeing things done. They can learn better with written instructions or pictures. Video lessons can be very helpful for people who learn best by watching. They may forget what they were told orally without visual cues or reminders. Children who learn best by seeing may be very aware of their surroundings and be good at picturing what they are learning.

Why Is It Important to Know Your Child’s Learning Style?

You can help your child succeed if you know how they learn best. You can figure out which learning style works best for your child once you understand how each works. Watch your child while they play and pay attention to their schoolwork. These notes help you figure out what kinds of things they like and how they act. In this way, you’ll have a better idea of the tool you need to learn.

Staff at school age programs in Silver Spring, MD, will also be watching them, so you can always compare notes to determine what learning style works best for your child. But it’s important to remember that kids change and grow over time. Your child may learn in a certain way at one age, but that could change as they grow and change.

How Can You Determine Your Child’s Learning Style?

Looking at what your child does is the best way to find out how they learn. How they process information will be clear from his or her actions, hobbies, and choices. Talk to your child’s team and other family members to make a list of toys, items, and activities that are important to them. All of this can be used together to help determine your child’s learning style.

If your child is behind in growth, you might find that you think about what they aren’t doing a lot. Instead, try to think about what he does well and what he enjoys. Every kid, even the most difficult ones, has interests and likes. Kids are more likely to want to learn when they see these things.

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How Can You Support Your Child’s Learning Style?

Parents and teachers have a huge effect on kids’ lives. When we know how a child learns, we can teach them better. A lot of the time, early childhood programs are set up in a way that helps kids with all of their skills and needs. This is done by making time for learning centers, music time, free time, and more. This makes it easier for kids with a variety of learning styles to join in and gives them chances to do things they might not normally do.

We adults can help kids understand their skills and differences and help them deal with problems. You can help your child learn more by giving them real-life situations. If your kid is interested in fish and other sea creatures, take them to a museum. If you give your child meaningful knowledge in a way that fits his or her learning style, he or she will remember it better and gain a deeper understanding of the world.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to know how your child learns because it can help them succeed in school and other areas of their lives. Going over all the different ways kids learn can help you figure out who your child is. One of the best things about child care in Silver Spring, MD, is that the caregivers there understand the importance of different learning styles, so they are always giving children new ways to learn. By continuing to offer your children the opportunity to learn in various ways at home, you are not only spending quality time with your kids but also providing them with the most effective studying techniques.

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