
Group of kids playing outside and blowing bubbles in the summer.
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How to Create a Summer Learning Schedule for Your Child

Some parents prefer a light and flexible summer schedule, while others must work around structured activities such as day camp and tutoring. Regardless, making a summer calendar for children allows them to make the most of their time and keep on track for the new school year, among other advantages. So how do you, as a parent, create a summer learning schedule for your child? In this post, caregivers from a Silver Spring preschool go over various things you can include in your child’s schedule, plus give you some insight on how to get your kids to follow what you have created!

Should Kids Have a Schedule in the Summer?

Having a schedule in the summer is good for both kids and adults. Change can confuse or stress kids; summer break is an excellent example. A consistent schedule provides structure for kids, which helps them deal with stress and teaches them self-control and responsibility. Structure is made up of three things: stability, predictability, and follow-through. These simple ideas will help you make a regular summer routine for your kids during summer break.

How to Create a Schedule for Your Child?

Make a list of what must be done daily to make a schedule for your child. You should put time on your child’s plan to do chores, play, and learn. You can also plan something fun to do and some quiet time. Remember your kids will look forward to it even if what you are doing with them is simple. You should let your child choose small things, like when they want to eat or wake up.

How to Structure Summer Break

Even though kids love their summer vacation, its good to have a schedule. Children who follow a routine are better able to stay focused, organized, and ready for the next school year. Here are some useful hints from caregivers at a preschool in Silver Spring, MD, to help you create and stick to a schedule for summer vacation.

father teaching daughter to brush teeth

Create a Morning Routine

Even if a parent chooses to give their child’s summer schedule a lot of leeway, establishing consistent morning and nighttime routines will help keep your youngster on track. Having breakfast, brushing your teeth, and making the bed should all be part of your morning routine. A lot of parents choose to wake up their kids at roughly the same time every day.

Include Learning Opportunities

Children can be taught essential life skills through learning chances that arise in everyday life. List a few things you want your youngster to learn this summer. Do you want to schedule cooking meals together, for instance, a specific number of times a week? Can you arrange for older children to read independently, or can you read aloud for fifteen minutes every day before bed? Is there a topic in school, like arithmetic, that your child needs extra support that you could work on for ten to twenty minutes every day? Though they might not seem like much, these brief periods of concentrated time can significantly impact them.

Establish Rules for Screen Time

How strict a parent is about their child’s screen time may depend on their child’s needs, age, and other factors. Parents can look at screen time rules broken down by age group. Experts set specific limits for kids ages 0 to 5. The rules are a little less strict for kids six and up, but you can still use these tips to help your child build good screen habits.

Putting away all gadgets at least 30 to 60 minutes before bed is a good idea for both kids and adults. This helps you sleep better and spend less time in front of a screen. Putting away computers during family meals and trips and planning other activities are some other things that can help.

Boy wearing headphones is sitting and doing some work at a desk.

Allow for Downtime

Kids need to have at least some free time. When they have time that isn’t planned, kids can think of new ideas and study their interests. There should be regular times for your child to have free time. Think of things you might want to keep around for them, like cheap art equipment, educational games, or outdoor toys.

Get Them Outside

Kids can get many health benefits from doing things outside, such as being physically active and improving their mood or behavior. It’s a great idea to go to the playground or beach, swim, garden together, go for nature walks, or see an outdoor attraction. All of these help kids have experiences that will last a lifetime and stay away from screens for too long.

Follow a Nighttime Routine

A bedtime routine is beneficial because it gives your child a set of regular things to do before bed, which can help them sleep. For example, they might eat a snack, bathe, brush their teeth, put on pjs, and read every night before bed. This way, their minds will start associating those actions with bed, and they will easily wind down when they happen.

You might set a time for your child to wake up every morning. Similarly, setting a bedtime for your child over the summer can help them sleep well and stay on plan when school is not in session. How serious a parent wants to be with their child’s bedtime can depend on which child has the hardest time sleeping.

Father and his little children reading bedtime story at home

Getting Kids to Stick to the Summer Schedule

You now know how to make a summer learning schedule, but how do you implement it? According to experts and those who work with kids at a preschool in Silver Spring, setting rules and being consistent with kids is important. Do what you say you will do, and make sure you do it. Then, use these tips to help your kid stick to the schedule you make for the summer.

Provide a Written Copy

Children ought to have an actual schedule that they can follow. Create a calendar or timeline for your kids and place it somewhere accessible, like the refrigerator. Some parents use productivity/to-do applications, which allow them to easily input their child’s or family’s summer schedule.

Employ a Reward System

Giving kids rewards can help them stay motivated and follow through with their plans. For younger kids, it’s usually best to use sticker charts and rewards that are activities, like going to the park. A system of tokens that lets kids work their way up to a bigger gift might work best for older kids.

Final Thoughts

The perfect summer schedule for each child and family will be different. However, including at least some structure into a child’s summer can make a significant difference and assist children in accomplishing their objectives.

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