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Tag: Communication

Social-Emotional Learning, Childcare in Maryland
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Social-Emotional learning in preschool age children: How early childhood educators, parents and caregivers play their part
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is an area of childhood development where young kids grasp how to interact with others. They also learn (consciously and subconsciously) about various emotions, and how to control them and respond to them. While the SEL development process begins at birth, preschoolers attending our daycare in Rockville, MD benefit from an environment that also helps develop their various social and emotional aspects. By focusing on all developmental areas, the Creative Curriculum® targets developing the “whole child”.
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Teaching preschoolers responsibility
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Teaching preschoolers responsibility: It’s a partly acquired and mostly learned trait
There’s no greater satisfaction for a young child, than to accomplish something that they’re responsible for. Staff and teachers at Silver Spring preschool know that discharging those responsibilities successfully, and consistently, is vital for building self-confidence in children. And knowing they’re responsible for doing something – even something as small as leading a group of youngsters out of class and onto the playground – can be a huge morale booster. The challenge for parents, teachers and home caregivers, however, is how to teach preschoolers about responsibility.
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father and daughter clean up the house
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The importance of simple chores for kids
Participating in simple chores, whether it’s around the home, when living with grandparents or family as part of family homecare support, or in a Bethesda daycare center, is critical for young kids.
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